觀塘店 - 獨家純天然香薰精油按摩 Aromatic Natural Oil
觀塘店 - 獨家純天然香薰精油按摩 Aromatic Natural Oil
獨家純天然香薰精油按摩 Aromatic Natural Oil
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90 mins 天然香薰精油按摩 Aroma Oil Massage 選擇其中一款自家品牌精油 (包括 Sweet Eden, Time For Bed, Snowing Mountain, Secret Garden, Sunbath) Choose one of the Moden Thai essential Oils (include: Sweet Eden, Time For Bed, Snowing Mountain, Secret Garden, Sunbath) 泰式香茅茶 Lemongrass Bone Tea 椰汁西米糕+班蘭千層糕 Coconut milk sago cake +Pandan Coconut Cake
香薰精油按摩是放鬆身心的最佳選擇。精油被皮膚吸收後會有不同的功效,因此在Modern Thai能選擇你喜愛的精油,及適合你的功效。香薰精油按摩會慢慢推鬆你的肌肉,達到舒緩緊繃肌肉的效果,尤其適合肩頸緊繃及久坐的人。
Aroma Oil Massage is the best choice for relaxation. Essential oils have different effects after being absorbed by the skin, so at Modern Thai you can choose the essential oils you like and the effects that suit you. Aroma oil massage will gently and slowly knead your muscles to relieve tight muscles, especially for people with tight shoulders and neck and sedentary people.